
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Recommended Game Programming Books (updated)

Game Programming Books

Software Engineering and Computer Games: Learn Software Engineering by Computer Game Design with Windows MFC and OpenGL [UK] [US]

This is an excellent book, infact probably one of the best computer programming books.

The title sounds hideous who ever did the marketing for this one should be fired. It's not really anything to do with MFC or OpenGL for that matter. It is about how to organise you code, how you object orientated design, what programming patterns should be used for computer games. It's gold.

Managed DirectX 9 (Kick Start S.) [UK] [US]

Excellent introduction, no-nonsense covering DirectX using C# in straightforward easy to understand language. I use this as a reference all the time.

The author is the development lead for managed directX so he's knows what he's talking about. He also has a blog.

So not that many game programming books this is because there aren't all that many goods ones. I've read quite a few as well and will continue to do so!

Other Books

Read this! Then read everything else he has written. It's excellent and will give you lots to think about. In a round about way it's about programming "thinking". But it's much more than that. I don't agree with everything he says (i think he overestimates the amount of information in music) but it's all interesting and should be read.

A book bursting with ideas that will help you think in different ways. An inspirational book I think, very good. Great to just open up anywhere.

This is the graphics theory text. Anyone who programs advanced computer graphics will have this book as a reference. Needless to say it's quite high level :o

The Official Book Of Ultima

I want this book so much but it's very hard to find. It goes through the methodology of Ultima and how the games where crafted.


  1. The books are necesary for professionals, but for beginners I should that it should be made a list of other resource places, like video tutorials on and other sites like that. At least I find them very usefull

  2. Anonymous12:00 am

    For a copy of "The Official Book of Ultima" go to



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