Imagine you have an object Item and another object
StackableItem : Item, that inherits from Item. Now imagine I have an array of Items. I can put Stackable items in here and I can put items in here, no problem. But when I come to use the array I don't know which are items and which are stackable items. To find out which are which I might use a dynamic cast, or in C# you can use method overloading and the program will do the dynamic cast for you (I assume it does that anyway).
public void AddItem(Item item)
Console.WriteLine("Not so clever");
/// <summary>
/// Is C# clever enough to go to the correct one?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item"></param>
public void AddItem(StackableItem item)
Console.WriteLine("Very clever");
So in the above if I have:
Item i = new StackableItem();
The second function will be called. Neat right? Yes, yes it is.
Heh, I really should get around to adding an inventory system to my RPG. It's one of those simple things that I keep putting off.
I probably won't do anything nearly this neat though.
@Dan: How did you manage to get the C# source code into your blog posting? It´s so nicely formatted.
There's a plugin for visual studio that allows you to cut C# code as formatted html. (It's free)
But at the moment I can not remember the name. Also I remember it was somewhat unpleasant to get working with VS'05 as it was built for '03 but by now there's probably a new version?
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