
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Return if

I'd quite like a return-if construction in lua, or at least I'd like to experiment with one.

It would have the form of something like

<return if>  :=  <opt-whitespace> <if> <opt-whitespace> <function>

Then you could do things like

function someFunction()
    local everyThingHasGoneWrong()

    // code
    return if everythingHasGoneWrong()
    // more code
    return if everyThingHasGoneWrong()

The first return arg would be a bool for the if, the second and all those after would be the returns. I'm sure there would be some interesting recursive snippets you could do.


  1. hi ...
    i am running open dialog box in c# i want to one or more files concurrently using loops... then i want to exe.. files .. i opened any files in opendialog the exe will not running..
    i press the cancel button of open dialog box the exe will running may i know the reason ..
    any help will be greatly appreciated..
    thanks in advance here
    my coding

    TextBox txtfilelocation = new TextBox();
    int cancelcount = 0;
    OpenFileDialog ofdnew = new OpenFileDialog();
    ofdnew.Filter = "xls Files|*.xls|xlsx Files|*.xlsx|Text Files|*.txt";
    ofdnew.Title = "Select File";
    DialogResult resultnew = new DialogResult();
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
    resultnew = ofdnew.ShowDialog();
    ofdnew.Filter = "All Files|*.*";
    ofdnew.FilterIndex = 2;
    ofdnew.RestoreDirectory = true;
    ofdnew.FileName = "F:\\Documents and Settings\\Origin\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\Test1\\Test1\\bin\\Debug\\Download.txt";
    ////int dialog = 0;
    if (resultnew == DialogResult.OK)
    txtfilelocation.Text = ofdnew.FileName;
    cancelcount = 0;
    while (resultnew == DialogResult.Cancel && cancelcount != 2)
    resultnew = ofdnew.ShowDialog();
    if (resultnew == DialogResult.OK)
    txtfilelocation.Text = ofdnew.FileName;
    if (cancelcount == 2 && resultnew == DialogResult.Cancel)
    // int filecount = 0;


    // reply to my mail id thanks in advance..

    **** i think little bit diff to understand the problem doubts on my questions free to mail @ //

  2. It's quite hard to follow what you mean in the first paragraph. Maybe a friend could help you rephrase it?

    It sounds like you might want to open multiple files at once from a dialog box. Which should just be a flag I think, it's probably easiest to just browse the visual editor and see if you can find it.


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